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Growth Form: globular to irregular

Crown Density: moderate

Size: 75-100 feet high 50-75 foot spread

Drought Resistance: poor

Cold Hardiness: excellent

Growth Rate: rapid

Life Span: moderate

Elevational Range: to 6,500 feet

Possible Insect Problems: leaf miners, fall webworm, poplar borers, oyster shell scale

Possible Disease Problems: cytospora canker; bacterial wetwood, Marssonina leaf blight

Wildlife Value: fair: nesting and roosting cover

Miscellany: “Norway” male clone, will produce male flowers. No guarantee on degree of “cotton” production


From "Trees for Conservation: A Buyer's Guide" by Colorado State Forest Service



Plains Cottonwood

  • All orders are final. If an item is out of stock, Morgan Conservation District will work to fulfill the item with another supplier, but no guarantees can be made. In this case, returns shall be issued to customers within 90 days of original purchase date. 

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